Thursday 21 February 2008

In terms of a field trip I would recommend somewhere really cold with hills. The reason why I have suggested this is because I am scared of heights and this will be a new experience and it will help me overcome my fear. Also I would prefer it to be somewhere close to Wolverhampton so that I can get home easily.

1 comment:

Keek said...

Ahhh bless you hun (".) i think the fact that you would like to visit some where "somewhere close to Wolverhampton so that I can get home easily" is quite sweet ... dont worry hun if we do actually go on a trip i promise to give you a life home (".)

P.s well thats if you dont mind hitching with me and a few friends (".)..wer r nice people uknow (".)have a nice day lots..

p.s yuk the songs and lect on Masturbation are kinda freaky lets hope we learn a bit more in week 12 Lying with integrity ... im sure my mum would love to hear all about that (".)