Thursday 8 May 2008

1. Age? 19
2. Sex? Female
3. What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social Care and Social Policy
4. Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes
5. If so, how? And if not, why not? They are about thinking about the consequences of your actions.
6. Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? Appropriate
7. Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes
8. Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? No
9.Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes
10. What did you think of the module team? Very Good and helpful
11. Do you think it would have been better to have had more: Small group discussions?
12. The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes because you learn more.
13. Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes
14. Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes because I have been able to consider the topics from a different perspective.
15. Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes
16. Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? No
17. Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? Yes I would it has been very interesting.
18. Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? Yes they are very good because you can write your opinion on the lectures.
19. What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? No two assessments are better then one longer one.
20. What have you learned from the module? I have learned about the bad things that happen in society that we tend to ignore.
21. What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? The lectures were very good in terms of guidance for assignments.
22. What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? I don’t think any were a waste of time.
23. Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? The module was very good and was very interesting and help was provided when I needed it.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Being Bad Evaluation
My evaluation of this module is that Being Bad is about individual’s not understanding the consequences of their actions and how it will affect others. I think it was also about how we fail to ignore the bad things that happen in society and consider them as a norm when really they unacceptable or deviant.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Credit Card Fraud
This can be considered as a form of being bad because you are taking something that doesn’t belong to you. It also done intentionally to take money off someone so therefore this is wrong because you are hurting someone else just to please yourself. It important to consider that you would not like it if it happened to you so why do it to others.

Sunday 4 May 2008

My opinion of this topic is that we all lie and that it is something as individual me do on a daily basis. Saying this I also believe that some people lie intentionally where as other they may not personally be aware of it and will do so unintentionally. I would say that it is difficult to determine whether or not it is bad because it depends merely of the individuals circumstances.

Thursday 1 May 2008

In my opinion this is a form of bad behaviour. I don’t think that individuals should sell themselves or be seen as objects by others. I think that selling of the body of any form is wrong and people should respect their body. I understand that some people get forced in doing so and this is also very bad because they have to do it in order to survive.

Friday 25 April 2008

Being to religious
I wanted to make a comment on the lecturer starting the lecture with a pray. Although he explained that it was done to see people reactions I personally felt very confused and didn’t think there was no need for it and felt it was inappropriate. I personally think that we should respect everyones beliefs regardless to the situation. I fell that we should promote equality and diversity and respect everyone values and beliefs.

Friday 11 April 2008

Drugs the lecture that there are different types of drugs but more important then this was that there is a clear awareness of it. This awareness cones from literature and different authors have different opinions. A drug that was mentioned several times through the course of the lecture was LSD. A lot of literature has been written about it and the affects that it has.

Sunday 30 March 2008

Comment 6 -
Hi I read your entry on smoking and the risks and I totally agree with you about the harm of passive smoking to children. This not only affects children but also affects adults. I think you are right that individuals do need to think twice about the harm that they are causing people but more importantly they need to think how bad it is for them and what implications it will have on their lives.

Saturday 29 March 2008

Bad Comedians
I don’t really like jokes myself I think I can tolerate them to a certain extent. I think ethic jokes are unacceptable and there is no need for such jokes whatever the reason is for them to cause offence to someone’s religion is unacceptable. So comedians who do such jokes in my opion are bad and there is no need for it.

Friday 28 March 2008

The lecture on Bandits was very informative. In particular for this entry I am going to comment on Social Bandits an example of this would be Robin Hood who stole from the rich to give to the poor. Everyone has to earn a living for some it is easy for others it is more difficult. As a personal opinion I think it is difficult to determine whether people like Robin Hood where being bad.

Wednesday 26 March 2008

After the lecture on masturbation what shocked me the most was the survey. In particular the question that asked what age people first masturbated was the most shocking as a majority of people answered from 0-9 years. I thought 0-9 years would be a bit too young but that was

Tuesday 25 March 2008

The Module So Far
The Module so far had been very descriptive and really get’s you thinking about the society that we are living and all the bad behaviours people engage in without thinking of the consequences. It is clear that some behaviour’s are considered more acceptable then others but this can depend on the individual and the kind off lifestyle that they live. An example of this is that some people think that smoking is acceptable were as others would disagree because of the health risks involved.

Monday 24 March 2008

Body Modification
After the lecture on body modification I was quite shocked at the extent people go through make changes to their bodies. I could say that some were more surprising then others. Although I don’t have a problem with body modification because it is up to an individual how they want to look. On the other hand people may argue about what is acceptable body modification and what isn’t and this may be purely on how extreme this may or may not be.

Sunday 23 March 2008

Comment 5 -
I read your entry on smoking I agree with you that media does to an extent encourage individuals to smoke and it is true that they think that they look cool but then it is also important to also consider youngsters who get peer pressured into smoking to belong into a group. This clearly shows that the individual has no choice but when it is shown by the media the individual makes there own choice.

Saturday 22 March 2008

Comment 4 - Respond to -
Hi thanks for your comment I had look at your blog and it has some interesting stuff I was just going to comment on your entry on infidelity I do agree that some people do not understand the pain that they cause but why don’t they?
If they can lie and cheat they should be honest enough to admit that what they are doing is unacceptable.
I also agree that amongst all this cheating it is not just the person getting cheated on that is getting hurt but people around them too.

Friday 21 March 2008

Comment 3 - field trip -
You suggested a “high security prison, or police station or a young offenders institute”. Not quite sure how it is going to work but it is a good idea because there are going to be hundreds of bad people. I think it is going to be very difficult to get in their and there will be several complications.

Thursday 20 March 2008

Comment 2 - Movie Kids - comment on blog
Yes I agree with you that the behavior of the children was unacceptable. I think the whole idea is that the children are unaware of the affect that their behavior is having on other people because they are in some sort of bubble were they can do what they think is right regardless to weather it is good or bad. The actions of individuals are made clear to us as the audience and characters such as the girl who has HIV but it is too late for her to do anything about it. I think the reason for this is that there are no parents to tell the children off.

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Comment 1 - Respond to (Comment 5) - Shoplifting

I understand your comment I was just thinking of all the possibilities. I do understand that there are opportunities for everyone to find a job but it take longer for some then others. This could be due to the lack of experience. The point you have made is true that help is provide for those in difficult circumstances but like you said it is the ‘easy way for them to get by’.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Tattoos are a way of making a change to body because it makes you feel good. I think that it is not very different to make up it just looks attractive. Another form of tattoos is Henna but it is not always referred to as tattoos but is known as body painting. In my opinion they are both the same thing as they both involve body art.

Monday 17 March 2008

When discussing drugs it is necessary to consider both legal and illegal aspect. Some people take drugs prescribed by a doctor were as others do so because of an addiction. This brings me back to my entry on smoking that everyone smokes for different reasons, for some it is possible to avoid were as others have gone so deep that it is impossible to find their way out.

Sunday 16 March 2008

Stalking is watching somebody’s every move without them knowing and often it can be seen as an invasion of someone’s own private space. Everyone should be entitled to their own privacy without the interference of others. Their private life shouldn’t have to be shared by others without their consent and they should be able to live their lives as independent individuals.

Friday 14 March 2008

Infidelity can be seen in very different ways and some people may see it as being wrong were as others may disagree. As a personal opinion I think it is wrong to cheat on someone you love and care for. If you have made a commitment to someone there is no need to go against them to please yourself because they should be the person you turn to what ever the circumstances.

Thursday 13 March 2008

After watching the movie Kids I found it to be very inappropriate I don’t think that it should be shown to any child as it gives out an incorrect message on how children should behave.
I think that it is in every child’s to do things that they shouldn’t but this film highlights it in very extreme circumstances. As the film is based on one entire day I found it inappropriate and unreal. What was also very confusing was that amongst all those Kids there wasn’t many parental figures been shown which also made the film feel more unrealistic.

Friday 29 February 2008

Taking something that is not yours that you haven’t paid for is bad. Personally I believe shoplifting is wrong but then we do have others issues were people do so to support their families because they do not have jobs so they are unable to buy basic essentials that they may need.

Thursday 28 February 2008

Smoking to what extent can you suggest that it is good or bad? Personally I don’t think it is neither good nor bad as people smoke for many different reasons. Some may smoke socially others have no choice as it has become a habit. I do also believe that it is a health risk and that people should consider the affect it has on their bodies. As I don’t smoke I don’t know how individuals may feel but knowing people who do smoke it is an addiction and one of the most important things they have to on a daily basis. So people who can quit should do so to live a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday 21 February 2008

In terms of a field trip I would recommend somewhere really cold with hills. The reason why I have suggested this is because I am scared of heights and this will be a new experience and it will help me overcome my fear. Also I would prefer it to be somewhere close to Wolverhampton so that I can get home easily.