Thursday 28 February 2008

Smoking to what extent can you suggest that it is good or bad? Personally I don’t think it is neither good nor bad as people smoke for many different reasons. Some may smoke socially others have no choice as it has become a habit. I do also believe that it is a health risk and that people should consider the affect it has on their bodies. As I don’t smoke I don’t know how individuals may feel but knowing people who do smoke it is an addiction and one of the most important things they have to on a daily basis. So people who can quit should do so to live a healthy lifestyle.


Teleka said...

Well smoking i know is no way good for any of us but it keeps those closest to us happy. If i had a choice to offer them a cigarette or withdraw it i know what i would do :-). but on a serious note smoking gives you bad breath, makes your hair smell, yellow teeth, stained tabacco fingers, a dry cough which makes you cringe, withdrawral symptoms and a really bad attitude not to mention short life to passive smokers.


I agree that no one can say for sure that smoking is bad or good but I will like to take the risk and say that there are not good or bad cigarettes but only good and bad people, and they can be smokers or non smokers. In contrast, I don’t believe that there is any smoker out there that wants to stop smoking and he/she had not either choice or the strength but to continue. It’s just only a matter of how badly does he/she wants it to happen. I heard a dozen stories regard to people who were smokers for decades and managed to stop in a day just by choosing it. For example, my father, aged 59 at the moment, was a smoker for 30 years or so before he stopped, about 10 years ago. For those who lack the strength to stop smoking, these days there are also so many therapies that can help them stop smoking just by applying them once and they are not that expensive. I also have a friend that paid 200 pounds (CY) few years ago, just to have the therapy once and he never smoke a single cigarette since.